We have received your submission

We are excited to be joining together in January. Whether you have joined for a PRAY Europe event before or this is your first “Prayer Walk” we know that you will have a great time praying with believers in the city.
We believe that as we pray in strategic locations that we are making tremendous power available for the outworking of the plan of God for this region of the earth.
We will plan to meet at 10:30 and finish at 16:00.
These events are flexible: While we have starting and ending points, you can choose which places to walk to and pray for in between. Maybe you focus on one or two locations; maybe you try to walk to and pray for as many as possible.
Closer to the event we will send you the prayer map, meeting point, and general information.
If you have any questions, you can email Anna Spangler at anna.rhema.no@gmail.com.
We look forward to seeing in Helsinki, Finland on 18.January.
RHEMA Norway
Lodging, transportation, and food are all the personal responsibility of the attendee.
RHEMA Norway
Post Box 63
5293 Lonevåg, Norway