When we are born again and saved, we gain a new perspective in life and begin our walk of faith in fellowship with God. In salvation we’re sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise in our heart, Ephesians 1: 13-14, and we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18. But what is Faith? The Bible defines faith in Hebrews 11:1 Faith is full confidence in what one hopes for, conviction even if one does not see it. In both the Old and New Testaments we see examples of how God's people could do great works by adding action to their faith. Great miracles were performed by humble people who acted on God's word with simple faith. In the book of Joshua we see how God spoke to the people of Israel and gave them instructions on how to take Jericho. This did not mean that Joshua and the people of Israel could sit down and relax while the city automatically became theirs. They had to do something. God gave them specific instructions on how to take the land He had already given them, but they had to believe that word and act on it. When they acted on the word, it became their faith in action. This is also the case for us today. Faith requires action. Confessions of God's Word build our faith. There is no faith without confession. Confession is the way of expressing our faith. Mark 11:23 says: "For verily I say unto you, He that saith unto this mountain, Be thou lifted up, and cast into the sea. and do not doubt in his heart, but believe that what he says will happen, he will get what he says." The last sentence says: "He will get what he SAYS". In other words, you can have everything you say you can have, meaning what you SAY many times is really your faith in action. Remember, your confession will ultimately determine the limits set on your life. If you want to experience all that God has for you, make sure your confession lines up with His word.
*Our confession should center around five things: 1. What God has done for us in the plan of redemption. 2. What God has done in us, through His Word and His Spirit. 3. What we are to the Father in Christ Jesus. 4. What Jesus is accomplishing for us now at the Father’s right hand, where He is making intercessions for us. 5. What God can accomplish through us.
*Confession’s Five Parts, Source: Walking by FAITH by Kenneth E. Hagin. Pg 17-18. Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications. Copyright 1998 RHEMA Bible Church AKA Kenneth Hagin Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Please visit www.faithlibrary.orgfor additional materials. Vandre i tro er tilgjengelig fra www.agape.no