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Firm Foundation:

Corrie Clarkson

True stability in Him, while still in this unstable world.

Theology is the study about God and His relationship to the world, but often includes humans’ beliefs, practices, and experiences in relation to God. Many might consider it philosophical debate about religious things and don’t see much application for day-to-day life.

In very practical and intentional ways though, we need to designate time within our days and activities to incorporate Scripture, and to think, study, meditate, and discuss our God — who He is and who we are in Him. Otherwise, we may be finding our identify in someone or something else, or we may be letting our worldviews be shaped by someone or something other than our God and His Word. So let’s consider some ways you can be stable in this unstable world.

That you might know with certainty - Luke 1:1-4; 24:13-49

Luke opens his Gospel account by stating a fundamental aim: “that you may know the certainty of those things in which you were instructed” (Luke 1:4, NKJV). As Luke concludes His Gospel, we see a resurrected Jesus using Scripture to reveal Himself to His disciples before He even revealed His face to them. Jesus’ crucifixion had shocked His followers, but He used Scripture to explain those events, to comfort them, and to correct them. He led them back to stable ground before sending them out to tell the nations the Good News.

With so much information and misinformation floating around in this world, we still must turn to Scripture to be certain of the Truth and find that solid ground (Psalm 119:30).

That you might be willing to examine - Acts 17:1-15

As the Apostle Paul traveled, some who heard his teaching accepted the Gospel message and some did not. The Bereans "received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. Many of them therefore believed” (Acts 17:11-12, ESV).

When Paul preached Christ, the Bereans were willing to examine the Scripture before making a judgement. What a lesson to apply to our lives! Let us be ready and eager to receive the Word and study it out. Let’s not use our “certainty” as a foundation for judging others. Instead, let’s allow room for ourselves and others to wrestle with what we may not understand yet. If someone has questions, be a safe person for them to ask, and invite them to study it out with you.

A large part of spiritual growth happens (or should happen) in community. One reason leaders were placed in the Church was to help the Body grow up into maturity and stability (Ephesians 4:11-16). So, even with all our personal and direct access to Scripture, let’s not forsake ‘coming together' (Hebrews 10:25) or forsake the wisdom of others.

That you might hear and do - Luke 6:47-49, Matthew 7:24-27

Jesus tells the story of a wise man who built his house upon the rock, and a foolish man who built a house without a foundation. Storms and floods came to both, but the house built on the foundation was able to withstand it all. Jesus explained that the foundation was built by “doing”. Both men had heard what He said, but only one acted on it.

Faith is hearing His words and acting upon them; that is how true stability comes. This may seem paradoxical, since taking a step of faith might sometimes feel like a blind leap off a cliff. But when we know in Whom our faith rests (and that’s in Him and not in us), steps of faith are stable and secure.

It is possible to know God and know Truth — and this growing knowledge and understanding is best developed within a living and growing relationship with God and His Body — our community of Believers. It is possible to be stable while in this unstable world, when our foundation is Him. So let’s look to Scripture to discover the Truth, approaching it with humility and eagerness, so we may find ourselves — safe and secure, in Him.


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